Impressum:Ing. Peter GrobnerUnter der Leithen 3aA-3340 Waidhofen/Ybbs
#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################################### ############################################################# waka, the mystic boat #### ###################################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Ing. Peter Grobner ( # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; # without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; # if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or see . # ##################### $VERSION=20090515; # starting eml2html by refactoring parts of waka.cgi ... $VERSION=20101019; # refactoring to "eml2pdf file1.eml file2.eml fileN.eml" ... # ######################################################################################## my %UMLAUTE=( "Ä" => "Ä", "Ö" => "Ö", "Ü" => "Ü", "€" => "€", "ä" => "ä", "ö" => "ö", "ü" => "ü", "ß" => "ß" ); my %CONF= ( HTML_ENCODING => 'iso-8859-15' ); ######################################################################################## # here we go ... use Encode; my $ENCODINGS=join '|',Encode->encodings(); use locale; use POSIX qw(setlocale LC_ALL); sub decodeMIME { my($body)=@_; $body=~s/\r//g; my $head=($body=~s/(.+?)\n\n//s)? $1:''; $head=~s/\n[ \t]/ /gs; my %header; $head=~s/^([-\w]+):\s+(.*)$/$header{lc($1)}=encode($CONF{HTML_ENCODING},decode('MIME-Header',$2));''/gem; if($header{'content-transfer-encoding'}=~m{base64}i) { use MIME::Base64; $body=decode_base64($body); } elsif($header{'content-transfer-encoding'}=~m{quoted-printable}i) { use MIME::QuotedPrint; $body=decode_qp($body); } my @parts=(); $header{'CONTENT'}= $body; if($header{'content-type'}=~/^multipart\/alternative.*?boundary="([^"]+)"/i) { my(@text,@html); my $boundary=quotemeta($1); foreach(split /\n-+$boundary-*(\n|$)/s,$body) { my @p=decodeMIME($_); @text=@p if($p[0]->{'content-type'}=~/^text\/plain/i); @html=@p if($p[0]->{'content-type'}=~/^text\/html/i); } @p=@html? @html:@text; push @parts,(\%header,@p); } elsif($header{'content-type'}=~/^multipart\/.*?boundary="([^"]+)"/i) { my $boundary=quotemeta($1); foreach(split /\n-+$boundary-*(\n|$)/s,$body) { push @parts,(\%header,decodeMIME($_)); } } else { push @parts, \%header; } return @parts; } sub eml2html { my @p=decodeMIME(join '',@_); $p[0]->{'mailto'}=$p[0]->{'from'}; $p[0]->{'mailto'}=~s/"//g; $p[0]->{'from'}=~s/</g; $p[0]->{'from'}=~s>/>/g; my $content =qq{}; $content.=i18f("<#Datum:#> %s", $p[0]->{'date'}); $content.=i18f("<#Von:#> %s",$p[0]->{'mailto'}, $p[0]->{'from'}); $content.=i18f("<#Betreff:#> %s", $p[0]->{'subject'}); $content.=qq{}; foreach(@p) { $_->{'CONTENT'}=encode($CONF{HTML_ENCODING},decode($1,$_->{'CONTENT'})) if($_->{'content-type'}=~m{charset="?($ENCODINGS)}i); if($_->{'content-type'}=~m{^text/html}i) { $_->{'CONTENT'}=~s{^.*]*>|.*$}{}sg; $content.="$_->{'CONTENT'}"; } elsif($_->{'content-type'}=~m{^text/plain}i) { $content.="$_->{'CONTENT'}"; } elsif($_->{'content-type'}=~m{name="([^"]+)"}i || $_->{'content-disposition'}=~m{filename="([^"]+)"}i) { my $file=$1; $file=~s/&|[&?=:\\\/\s;]/~/sg; $content.=i18f(qq{<#Anhang:#> $file}); } } $content=~s/\{/"/g; $content=~s/\}/#/g; return $content; } sub i18f { my $f=shift; $f=~s/<#|#>//g; return sprintf($f,@_); } foreach(@ARGV) { if(/^(.*).eml$/i && open(EML,$_)) { open(HTML2PDF,qq{|html2ps -u|ps2pdf - "$1.pdf"}); undef $/; printf HTML2PDF '%s',eml2html(); close(HTML2PDF); close(EML); }}